Granada City of Literature UNESCO (under the Department of Culture of the City of Granada, in collaboration with the University of Granada, through the Vice-Rectorate for University Extension, the Vice-Rectorate for Internationalisation and the Vice-Rectorate for Social Responsibility, Equality and Inclusion), present a new edition of its International Writers’ Residency Programme in Granada, created with the ultimate aim of strengthening international cooperation in the cultural sector in general and literary creation in particular.
The Granada International Writers-in-Residence Programme is dedicated to writers living in any country and writing in any language and it supports a stay of 30 days for two writers at the Corrala de Santiago of the University of Granada, between 4 November and 3 December 2024
Selection criteria includes:
- At least two books (novel, essay, poetry, etc.) published.
- Intermediate to advanced level of English or Spanish.
- Synopsis of the literary project to be developed during the residency.
It will be valued, although it is not compulsory to have knowledge of Spanish, a cultural and historical interest in the city of Granada, an excerpt from one of the author’s published books, or letter(s) of recommendation.
The residency will provide the writers-in-residence with opportunities to participate in the literary life of the city of Granada and contacts with local writers, as well as the possibility of participating in workshops and pedagogical activities. The residency will cover the travel expenses of each of the selected writers as well as the accommodation expenses at the Corrala de Santiago of the University of Granada.