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Urban Festival UIT: Call for Installations, ‘Urban Pause’ (Estonia)

A metal circuit box is attached to a telephone pole surrounded by long grass, saplings and weeds - a little patch of urban wasteland.

Urban Festival UIT announces an open call for installations for the 2023 festival, themed ‘Urban Pause’. The open call is mostly aimed at city-loving students of art and architecture, but everyone interested in experimenting with installations in public space is welcome to participate.

The central theme ‘Urban Pause’ focuses on the wastelands and voids of Tartu. The project hosts 7 artists and collectives from Estonia and abroad. In addition, there will be 3 installations selected through the open call.

The installation programme ‘Urban Pause’ deals with areas that are considered part of the city, but they stand out among the buildings and plots, as time seems to stand still there. Nature thrives, and one can see signs of city dwellers - meandering paths, spots for bonfires and gathering, as well as traces of four-legged friends. Usually, such areas are destined to be filled with real estate developments, but UIT asks: what is the value of these urban pauses just as they are?

Projects will be realised as a temporary installation in public space. The approach to the installation is open to interpretation and can be cross-disciplinary, the installation will be exhibited during the festival week (16-19 August 2023). The festival encourages the use of recycled materials and other environmentally friendly solutions.

The festival offers an artist fee for the participants (1400€) and covers production costs (up to 1400€) in addition to compensating transportation and accommodation. UIT will select three ideas to be realised during the festival (two from Estonia, one from Europe). The project is supported by the Estonian Ministry of Culture.


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