On the Move Advocacy and Engagement Reports 2024

A panel on stage with one person talking into a microphone.

These two reports explore the advocacy and engagement actions of On the Move in 2024, through its multiannual programme co-funded by the European Union.

On the Move Advocacy Report 2024

On the Move supports artists and culture professionals to operate internationally while working to reimagine mobility as fairer, more responsible and sustainable. On the Move believes that it can help to work towards this overall objective through its advocacy, by participating in key events, (co-)developing policy documents, contributing to campaigns, leading and participating in working groups, developing partnerships, and supporting members through networking opportunities and professional development.

This report provides an outline of the key advocacy activities On the Move contributed to and/or carried out in 2024, as well as providing an insight into the future directions of these advocacy initiatives when relevant, particularly through the new EU-funded project ‘New Solidarities’ for the period 2025–2028.

The report is divided into the following four key areas of work:

  1. EU and International Cultural Relations
  2. Working rights of artists and culture professionals
  3. Environmental sustainability
  4. Input into Creative Europe programmes

It is hoped that this report provides a concise overview of the themes, directions and reach of On the Move’s advocacy in the area of international cultural and artistic mobility throughout the year 2024 and pave the way towards future actions.

On the Move Engagement Report 2024

Throughout 2024, On the Move participated in a total of 68 meetings; 18 meetings organised by On the Move members and a further 50 meetings organised by On the Move advocacy platforms or Member States, European or international organisations. There were 19 On the Move members (approximately 24% of On the Move members) directly involved in organising these events and/or actively taking part in them.

Discover more about these meetings and the related shared resources as well as the topics that were particularly tackled through these meetings in which On the Move was a speaker, facilitator, contributor and/or participant.

These two reports echo, to a large extent, the discussions in which OTM members have been engaged in 2024 (see the Perspective Report 2024).

To find out more about On the Move’s activities, read the 2022 and 2023 Advocacy and Engagement reports.

Image: Mafalda Sebastio (Director of Polo Cultural Gaivotas Boavista, OTM member), representing On the Move during the Coimbra Conference: ‘Cultural Networks and the Future of Europe’, 23–24 September 2024, Coimbra, Portugal. @Catarina Gralheiro.