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European Commission: Support to Cultural Actors Addressing Global Issues in the MENA Region

A graphic of the globe with faces, nature, activities and objects, with the EU logo and the text 'EU international partnerships for people and planet'.

The European Commission has launched a new regional cultural programme for the MENA Region: ‘Support to Cultural Actors Addressing Global Issues’. The global objective of this call for proposals is to improve human development and the quality of life in the Southern Neighbourhood region through culture. The specific objective of this call for proposals is to strengthen cultural ecosystems and enable cultural actors to address global issues such as the green and digital transition with gender-based approach via cross-sectoral cooperation with civil society and other partners.

Actions must take place in at least five partner countries of the Southern Neighbourhood region (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria and Tunisia). Some activities, such as dissemination events and North-South collaborations, can take place in the European Union.

Types of activity which may be financed under this call, may include, but are not limited to:

  • Financial Support to Third Parties (compulsory as defined hereunder)
  • Networking activities
  • Promotion/awareness raising, advocacy campaigns
  • Visibility tools, including website, newsletter and information dissemination
  • Capacity-building and advisory services; mentoring, peer learning, training of trainers
  • Cultural activities
  • Mobility schemes

The initial planned duration of an action must be between 36 months and 48 months.

The action must involve a partnership with at least two co-applicants (in addition to the lead applicant) established in at least two different Southern Neighbourhood partner countries. The partnership should involve organisations with demonstrated and complementary experience in the relevant areas of the action, as well as experience at the grassroots level.

In order to be eligible for a grant, the lead applicant must be a legal person, non-profit-making and a civil society organisation (established in a Member State of the European Union or one of the Southern Neighbourhood partner countries or a country that is a beneficiary listed in the relevant Annex to IPA III Regulation or a country that is a contracting party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area).

The overall indicative amount made available under this call for proposals is 4,000,000 EUR.


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